Schachklub Wiehre


  • nächster Spieltag 9.02.2025
  • Sieg der 2. und 3. Mannschaft

latest news

Bezirkseinzelmeisterschaft am 09.07.+10.07.

09./10. July 2022


BZEM 2022


single tournament


Dear chess friends


After our successful end of the season with the promotion of both teams to the next higher class, players in BSV have the opportunity to measure their strength 👍✌. On 09./10. July 2022, so in about 2 weeks, the district individual championship will take place in Horben. For this weekend, his DWZ also needs to be improved. Just trying makes you smart!


There are 2 groups, an A group from 1600 DWZ and a B group under 1600 DWZ in addition to seniors, yuniors and women. You can download the announcement here .


Simply register here


A weekend of fun awaits!

Autor: Edelmut Struth

Ihre Meinung ? zählt !